To All the Kids with Guitars

Photo by Markus Spiske on

Walker Hayes wrote a song called “What You Don’t Wish For”

The chorus says,

All the kids with guitars
Lookin’ up at the stars
Dream as far as your heart can dream
Write a song, make some noise
Danger’s real but fear’s a choice
They say, “Careful what you wish” but I say be more
Careful what you don’t wish for

Walker Hayes- What you Don’t Wish For

I think it is crazy that two years ago I wasn’t a kid with a guitar.

I had an amazon gift card that I got for Christmas and asked my husband if I could get a cheap acoustic guitar. He laughed and said I could get whatever I wanted with my money and since then I have been a kid with a guitar.

I didn’t know a thing about a guitar, I watched a lot of YouTube videos and kept practicing and practicing. (Not that I’ve reached Guitar Hero status yet or anything, but I am better than I was two years ago.

Just a few days ago, I got my first electric guitar.

One wish I always had was to play guitar, and now that wish is a reality.

2023 is coming sooner than I ever though was possible. . .if there is something that you’ve always wanted to do, make 2023 your year to do it.

A line from that Walker Hayes song that sticks out to me is “Danger is real, but fear is a choice.” Don’t let fear stop you from doing something you’ve always wanted to do.

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